
Procrastinate your way to great!

Thousands of books and articles are published each year on how to “cure” procrastination, and it’s clear most of these methods do not work — or there would not be such a thriving market for them.  But a deeper dive into the research suggests that not all procrastination is bad. In fact, for creative people, procrastination is valuable. You can learn to make procrastination work for you and be more productive than you ever thought possible.  Participants will leave with a workshop summary/tip sheet; a checklist; suggestions for further reading; a better understanding of their work habits and how to be more productive.

Your personal GMC: How understanding your own goal/motivation/conflict can improve your writing

(Presented as a standalone workshop or in tandem with “Procrastinate your way to great!”)

Being able to work out goal, motivation and conflict is a critical element of character building and plot, but what about your own GMC? Understanding why you write, what motivates you to put seat in chair, and what keeps you from writing (inner and outer conflict) will help you to deepen your writing and be more productive. Participants will leave with their own personal GMC analysis.

NEW! What we get wrong about the Victorians

Queen Victoria’s reign spanned 64 years and her influence lasted well beyond the turn into a new century. It was an era of rapid technological progress, significant change in the role of women in society and experimentation in the arts. Yet when most people think of “Victorian,” they think of hoop skirts, tight corsets, repressive sexual morality, foggy London streets and stuffy overdecorated parlors where ladies sipped tea surrounded by ferns and statuary. But look beyond the stereotypes and you’ll see men and women from all walks of life forging new paths as they coped with a period of unprecedented change. In short, you’ll see they were a lot like us today.

NEW! Flash fiction for romance writers

HEA in 1,000 words? 500? 50?? The market is hot for satisfying stories that can be read in a sitting – and often on your phone while you’re commuting on the subway or waiting for an appointment to start. Short doesn’t mean skimpy, though. The best stories have punch – with strong characters, believable conflict and a clear story arc. So if that’s the case, why write short and how can it enhance your career? Participants will leave with the workshop with a list of publishing outlets for flash fiction and further reading, story ideas developed during the workshop and a better understanding of short-story writing and structure.

Email me for more information.